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Plant Support
If you’re considering growing plants or vegetables of any size, then you’re going to need the relevant planting support. At, we stock all relevant supports and accessories which you will need during your growing season.
Cane plant supports are very easy to construct, and can also be used for vegetables, too. It’s important to get your garden cane supports in the ground early in the year, before anything begins to grow too extensively. This is because you want your support to be in firmly from the very beginning when your plant is still young, to ensure that you can properly encourage it to grow up the support the way it should.
The earlier you get your garden cane in, the more likely it will be that your plant grows to cover and disguise the support, too, which is ideal when you don’t want the cane support itself to be shown.
We also provide the twine and rope you will need for arranging along your canes. You can arrange your twine however you like up the canes, even using artistic patterns.
You can browse our extensive range of canes, tying products, rope and support accessories. Our range includes cane tops, which not only add a health and safety feature to the top of pointed canes, but also ensure that any water or rain will run off the top and prevent the cane from rotting.
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- Tying & Rope 16 items
- Sticks & Canes 4 items
- Plant Support Accessories 4 items
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